Up Close and Personal with Bri and Bridget from Red Dirt Diary
Tell us a bit about Red Dirt Diary, where did it begin?
The story of Red Dirt has a few beginnings but the most important one is what led us to where we are today.
It was only less than a year ago Two best friends found themselves sitting around a campfire, after many discussions and a few beers to quench their thirst, we found ourselves throwing around the idea of having a female-only hosted show.
At the time I don't think we could have anticipated what was to come... fast forward a few more months, we now find ourselves travelling every month around Australia with a camera crew in tow, creating content to share with like minded people for free! Who would have thought two, twenty something year olds could take a casual chat around a campfire and turn it into what we call Red Dirt Diary today!
Where’s your favourite place to head out to at this time of year?
As much as Bridget and Bri seem a-like, the right way to describe them is like yin and yang, they balance each other out.
Without any question and argument, you will always find Bridget chasing the snow at this time of year! She is a skilled and passionate snowboarder, although Bri does not brave the cold as much, you can probably expect to see Bri dragged along on Bridget's adventures in the Winter months!
How would you inspire more women to get involved in the 4x4 community?
We hope to show that if we can do it, anyone can do it.
The best way the girls find works to inspire women to get involved is speaking from their personal younger stories in the beginning as two unsure women sitting behind the wheel for the first time. Bri having an upbringing heavily involved in the garage with her father geared her future towards the space of all things 4x4 almost without question. The lifestyle and community felt familiar to her before she even was legally allowed to drive however, Bridget on the other hand has a much more typical story more easily identified towards most women.
A young girl unhappy with relying on her brother or boyfriend to be able to adventure all corners of Australia or see the next scary track. Click forward less than 1 year and with absolutely zero mechanical knowledge she purchased her first old 4wd with one dream in her heart 'i want to travel Australia on my own steam'. So kilometer by kilometer and Youtube tutorial after tutorial she began the journey of a lifetime. Unsure of the future or what was around the next corner she never stopped investing in herself, her knowledge and her bravery to travel 100% solo.
The girls highlight Bridget and Bri's history to show other women that no matter where you start, or whether you know what a spark plug is or not, ABSOLUTELY anyone can do it. Money, knowledge or skill does not define you in any way in this community; it's all about mindset and investing in yourself and your dreams.
What are you most looking forward to seeing at the Show in Sydney?
We are super excited to check out the latest innovative designs that will be displayed at this show, we know that many companies work hard to evolve their brands and having live access at shows to see the gear in person is one of our favorite things! We love seeing the latest and greatest gear and seeing how far this industry continues to evolve.
As well as all the amazing things featured at the show the girls love the chance to connect with the community. Shows are the girls favorite way to give thanks and give back to the audience they work day in and day out for. So come down and hang out at the Red Dirt Diary stand, the girls look forward to meeting everyone.
Can we get a sneak peak at what you’ll be bringing to the stage at the Show?
We can't throw away too many secrets! I guess what you can expect to see is a different angle or perspective than what you have seen at previous shows, being two females I think we are going to bring something new to the table but you're just gonna have to come to the show to find out!